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Product: Bambara peas/ Voanjobory

Ingredient: Bambara peas dry

Origin: Madagascar

Year production: 2020

Weight: From 1kg

Price for 100g : 2,945€


The Bambara peas (Voanjobory) are a tasty legume and they are very rich in protein and vitamins, they are generally cultivated in the West of Africa and  Madagascar. These Bambara peas can be eaten in soup, cooked with meat, or even fresh.

If we talk about taste, Bambara peas is unique and delicious. It gives you a little taste of Madagascar and brings you closer to Malagasy kitchen. There are several recipes where you can use Voanjobory and get nourishing and tender dishes.

  • Rich in protein and minerals.
  • An exceptional taste.
  • Many recipes are waiting for you to try them.

1kg Bambara peas from Madagascar (Voanjobory)

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